Here at Pacific Academy Encinitas Middle School we offer our junior high students a unique opportunity to grow and flourish as young learners. Students cultivate their academic skills
in a rigorous manner while still enjoying fun,
silly, and carefree attitudes.
The Middle School at Pacific Academy Encinitas offers an exceptional opportunity to participate in meaningful and creative science projects, engage in passionate and socially important conversations in English and History class, and crunch numbers in Algebra-level math classes. Students also have the chance to expand upon their creative and artistic skills by joining an art or music theory class, where they can build their own ukuleles from scratch. Finally students can also join a number of physical education classes, like boxing, yoga, or surf P.E., all of which allow them to decompress and burn some calories!
Pacific Academy Encinitas is a safe, secure and enriching atmosphere that always challenges our students to grow as human beings. Whether utilizing quadratic functions in math, reading Of Mice and Men, connecting the journey of Lenny and George to social tragedy and the Great Depression, playing Let It Be on an ukulele they made with their own hands, surfing a wave at Moonlight Beach, or dissecting a frog in science class, middle schoolers at Pacific Academy Encinitas will no doubt have a unique developmental experience as both students and as citizens.